Open Source Summit

Chat w/ Alyssa Wright & others.

Principals of Authentic Participation are the opposite of CoC.

  • Instead of CoC which is project centric, PAP is company centric for how their devs will participate in Open Source

  • Start Early Orgs should not show up w/ mature, fully baked contributions over which the community had no input

  • Community Rules When an organization and the community want different things, the community needs to come first.

  • Listen & Then Again Come to learn. Don’t show up to projects and tell “them” everything “they” are doing wrong.

  • Transparent Motivations Without a shared understanding of the motivations, it’s impossible to resolve differences of opinion effectively. No hidden motives.

  • Enforce Respect Participants agree to adhere to community-established codes of conduct.

  • End Gracefully No sudden withdrawal of resources without notification and an exit plan

This doesn’t provide accountability for the company (e.g. so that the OSS community doesn’t just blackball them). Instead, it provides a way for companies to have a short hand to say “Look, we’re holding up our end of the bargain and participating in good faith”.

This seems primarily useful when hiring core committers. May be relevant for us w/ our work in k8s & prometheus.