
An n*n matrix E is called [an elementary matrix] if it can be obtained from the identity matrix by a single elementary row operation (called the operation corresponding to E).

Operation types

There are three types of operations:

1interchange 2 rows (p & q)Interchange q & p
2multiply a single row by some number k which is non-zerodivide a single row by some number k which is non-zero
3add k * row to different row.subtract k * row to a different row

We say that E is of type I, II or III if the operation is of that type.


is elementary of type 1. (b/c it turns into the identity matrix w/ row operation 1)

is elementary of type 2, b/c we multiply the identity matrix by 9.

is elementary of type 3 b/c we add 3*r2 to row 1.

Suppose now that the matrix

is left multiplied by the above elementary matrices as , the retuls are

So the elementary matrix encodes the operation (type 1,2,3) to be performed.

We observe that, in each case, left multiplying A by the elementary matrix has the same effect as doing the correspdonding operation on A.

Lemma 2.5.1

If an elementary row operation is performaned on an m*n matrix A, the result is just EA where E is the elementary matrix obtained by performing the same operation on [the m*n identity matrix].


The effect of an elementary row operation can be reversed by another such operation (called it’s inverse), which is also elementary of the same type. It follows that each elementary matrix is invertable. In fact, if a row operation on I produces E, then the inverse operation carries E back to I.

Hence, if F is the elementary matrix corresponding to the inverse operation, then which is to say

Lemma 2.5.2

Every elementary matrix E is [invertible] and [E-1|notation of previous one] is also an elementary matrix of the same type.


E1 is itself, since it’s the identity matrix. e2 is the same, except the 9 is 1/9 E3 is (same as subract 5*r3 from r1)

\begin{bmatrix} 1 & 0 & -5\\ 0 & 1 & 0\\ 0 & 0 & 1


Inverses and elementary matrices

Suppose that an m*n matrix is carried to a matrix B (written ) by a series of k elementary row operations. Let denote the corresponding elementary matrices.

By Lemma 2.5.1 the reduction becomes .

In other words, where .

The matrix U is invertible as a product of invertible matrices.

Next, replace A by the identimy matrix , we get . Hence, this series of operations carries the block matrix

Block matrix is the thing we did w/ inversion method.

Theorem 2.5.1

Suppose A is M8N and by elementary row operations.

  1. where U is an m*m invertible matrix.

  2. U can be computed by carrying

  3. where those E’s are elementary matrices.




express the reduced row-echelon form R of A as R=UA where U is an invertible matrix.

r1<=> r2

r2 - r1*2

r2 *= -1

r1 - 2*r2


Suppose A is invertible. We know that by Theorem 2.4.5. So, taking in theorem 2.5.1, we get where , thus .

So we then have . This is the same thing as the inversion method.

Now, by theorem 2.5.1, that giant pile of E’s.

where the giant pile of E’ are elementary matrices.

Hence .

Theorem 2.5.2:

A square matrix is invertible iff it is a product of elementary matrices.

Example 2.5.3


Express ^^ as a product of elementary matrices.

r1<-> r2

r2 + r1*2

r2 /= 3

In order to generate the relevant E_1’s, you take the identity matrix and apply the row operation to it.