Related to sherlock, eBay’s metric platform.
Prometheus is a metrics tool. You query it with promql. Here are some useful queries:
count by (__name__) ({pool="r1s3p",__name__=~".*error.*"})
If you have an FQDN, hitting the :8083/admin/prometheus and :8083/admin/prometheus/platform endpoint directly on the browser will give the other dimensions associated with the metrics.
Potentially interesting for ebay:
- errorCount - perfmon
- errors - component errors
- HTTPStatus200Count
- HTTPStatusXXXCount
- httpStatus - seems to be maybe uptime?
1 - count(http_server_requests_duration_ms_bucket{pool="r1s3p",status=~"(4|5).*"}) / count(http_server_requests_duration_ms_bucket{pool="r1s3p"})