You can put a vector in 3 dimensional space and draw a vector (directed line) to that point P(x & y & z) which turns into the vector v in .

v is represented as

notation says this is the length of vector v. That symbol is called “norm”.

Ex: v and w are two vectors, so to sum them, we create a parallelogram and calculate the width(?) of the resulting parallelogram.

To subtract, we build a triangle. iff v and w have the same direction and the same length.

The distance between and is This is the same as:

Example: Find: the distance between and .

Always subtract the second one from the first one.

Which becomes

Scalar multiple

If a is a real number and is a vector, then:

  1. (absolute value of a times the length of v)
  2. If , the direction of is: a. the same as v if a > 0 b. opposite to v if a < 0

Unit vector

A vector is a unit vector if it has length [1], which means the norm is equal to [1].

If then is a unit vector.


is the same as:

and we know that we can pull that out from the scalar multiple line.

Then it turns into which is equal to 1.

Given a non-zero vector v, normalize = take the unit vector .

Normalize Sol:



Two nonzero vectors re called parallel if they have the same or opposite [direction].

As a consequence, two non-zero vectors are parallel (symbol is: ||) iff one is a scalar multiple of another.

Direction Vector

A vector that is parallel (||) to any two distinct vectors on the line.

I think this is really saying:

Given two distinct vectors, there is a third vector which goes through a different point on each line. The direction vector is parallel to that vector.


There is one line that passes through a particular point and has a direction vector .

This means that (vector from to P is parallel to d) iff for .

is the line through in the direction d that is:


Parametric equations of a line

The line through with direction is given by:

EX: Find the equations of the line which pass through and


(which is d)

The line is: x = 2+2t y = 0+t z = 1

Works out to have: coords - d$ in equation form.


Determine whether the following lines intersect and, if so, find the point of intersect.

x=1-3t y=2+5t z=1+t

x=-1+s y=3-4s z=1-s

Sol: Let x,y,z be the point of intersection, ie suppose P(x,y,z) lies on both lines.

The lines intersect iff

1-3t = -1+s 2+5t = 3-4s 1+t = 1-s

bottom one says s= -t

So the point of intersection is: t: 1-3 = -2 2+5 = 7 1+1 = 2

s: -1+-1 = -2 3+4 = 7 1—1 = 2