Independent-samples t-tests have three requirements:

  1. The samples have to be independent
  2. The dependent scores are normally distributed interval or ratio scores
  3. The populations have homogenous variance

The alternative hypothesis () says that there’s a difference between the two populations (). Another way to phrase that is (). This would then leave .

To do the test:

  1. estimate the variance of the raw score population
  2. compute the estimated standard error of the sampling distribution
  3. compute .

Estimated variance for a condition:

The pooled variance ():

Standard error of the difference ()

df is weirder:


We’re computing two samples of whether folks can recall info when hypotised better than unhyponotised.

sample 1sample 2
scores ()1715
variance ()97.5
mean score ()2320

The pooled variance is then

Standard error of the difference:

Calculate (note is just )

(found in the appendix for two-tailed tests for df(30)),

so because , we can reject the null hypothesis that there’s no difference at .