
The most common inferential statistical procedure to analyze experiments b/c it has a lot of well-developed variations to cover different use-cases.

It uses the and , which tells us if there is some significant difference between the factors. It doesn’t tell us which one it is. For that, we instead need to do post-hoc comparisons (but only after significance testing to ensure Type I error rate stays the same as ).

is true when .

It’s reported in the text as

which is to say:


factor : an independent variable

level : a condition of the independent variable (number of these represented by )

treatment : see level

treatment effect : the differences between the independent variables

one-way (or n-way) ANOVA : when there is one (or, for n-way, n) independent variables

between-subjects factor : the independent variable uses independent samples

between-subjects ANOVA : involves between-subjects factors

within-subjects factor : the independent variable uses related samples

within-subjects ANOVA : involves within-subjects factors.

post-hoc comparisons : like the comparisons of all pairs of means from a factor in t-tests, but for ANOVA.

mean square within groups : variability of scores within the conditions

mean square between groups : differences between the means of conditions within a factor.

f-ratio :

anova effect size : represented as (eta squared) w/ the formula