linear transformation

A transformation is called a linear transformation if for all and

Taking a=0 and a=01 in T_2 gives T(0) = 0 and T(-1x) = -T(x)


A vector y in is called a linear combination of vectors if y has the form []


If is a linear transformation then = [ ]


etc until you get to the theorem.


If is a linear transformation, and

, find .


Write , and .

We don’t actually know that z = ax+by, but we’re assuming it for the purposes of this exercise. If it doesn’t work out, that means that z is not a linear combination of x and y. This would represent itself as an inconsistent matrix when we get to Reduced row-eschelon form.

Our goal is to write Z as z=ax+by so that T[4\\ 3] = T(z) = aT(x)+bT(y).

r2 - r1


r1 - r2

a = 11/3 b = 1/3 z = 11/3[1\\ 1] + 1/3[1\\ -2]

b/c we’re looking for


if A is m*n then the matrix transformation is a linear transformation.


We know for .


The converse is also true:

Standard base of

[2\\ 5] = [2\\ 0] + [0\\ 5] = 2[1\\ 0] + 5[0\\ 1]

[-5\\ 18] = -5[1\\ 0] + 18[0\\ 1]

E notation

There’s some notation called e_1 which defines the 1st row of the n*1 matrix is a 1 [1\\ 0]. The rest are zeros. e_2 is [0\\ 1]. e_n would be [0\\ … \\ n].

This also ties to transformation space. So if e_1 is in R^n space,

e’s are n*1 I don’t quite understand why the last term above is m*n.

<2022-10-24 Mon>

Any linear transfromation is actually a matrix transformation. To see why, we define the standard basis of to be the set of columns of the identity matrix .

Then, each and every vector x=[x_1\\ x_2\\ … \\ x_n] in is a linear combination of the .

In fact, x can be rewritten as .

Now: which can be factored to be:

Observe that each T(e_i) is a column in , so A = [T(e_1) T(e_2) … T(e_n)]

So we know that there are n entries in A (columns) and each of the columns have m entries, because the T statement at the top says we’re mapping fro n-space to m-space. So the shape is m*n space.


which is:

This shows that T is a the matrix transformation induced by A.


Let be a trnasformation.

  1. T is linear iff it is a matrix transformation.
  2. In this case & is the matrix trnasformation induced by a unique mxn matrix A given in terms of its columns by \{e_1 & e_2 & \dots & e_n\}\mathbb{R}^n$.


We only have to verify that the matrix A is unique. Suppose T is induced by another matrix B. Then,

T(x) = Bx for all x in R^n but T(x) = Ax for each x, so Bx=Ax for each x therefore A=B.


Define T: R^3 -> R^2 by T[x_1\\ x_2\\ x_3] = [x_1\\ x_2] for all [x_1\\ x_2\\ x_3] in R^3

Show that T is a linear transformation and use the previous theroem to find it’s matrix.


let x = [x_1\\ x_2\\ x_3] and y = [y_1\\ y_2\\ y_3]


  1. T(x+y) = T([x_1\\ x_2\\ x_3] + [y_1\\ y_2\\ y_3])

    = T([x_1 + y_1\\ x_2 + y_2\\ x_3+y_3]) = [x_1 + y_1\\ x_2 + y_2] ; only top 2 entries, by definition = [x_1\\ x_2] + [y_1\\ y_2] = T([x_1\\ x_2\\ x_3]) + T([y_1\\ y_2\\ y_3]) ; by definition = T(x) + T(y)

  1. Let be a scalar. Then T(ax) = T([ax_1\\ ax_2\\ ax_3]) = [ax_1\\ ax_2] = a[x_1\\ x_2] = a T([x_1\\ x_2\\ x_3] = aT(x)

Do to prove that something is a linear transformation, we have do 1 & 2.

By theorem 2.6.2, The matrix of T is given by A=[T(e_1) T(e_2) T(e_3)]

Since we go from R^3 -> R^2, the dimension of the transformation matrix is 2x3

Vector rotation

If we have a vector [1,0] (horizontal along the x-axis) and need to rotate it to [0,1] (vertical along y). This is counter-clockwise rotation.

Counterclockwise rotatin through about the origin is given by the matrix:

In general, it should be:

Where is the angle you’re putting in. I have no clue what this means.

If you’re rotating across a line, it’s [0,1\\ 1,0]

But that assumes that you’re rotating across y=x. If you’re flipping across a multiple of that, the formula is different:


Q: I would have assumed that, instead of this forumla, we might have arrived at an answer by a combination of matrix multiplication. Is there a way to do that w/ matrix multiplication instead?

Yes, it’s in the book.

Q: If y=mx+b isn’t a linear transformation.. what word would you give for that?

We call those “non-linear transformations”.