I’m currently taking classes in statistics. Working with a graphing calculator sometimes doesn’t provide the functionality I want. Instead, I’ve turned to juptyr notebooks for computing my homework.

Start a juptyr notebook and click the resulting link. I’ve remapped the port b/c 8888 is often taken with work things.

docker run -p 10000:8888 quay.io/jupyter/datascience-notebook

Run these commands:

!pip install handcalcs
import handcalcs.render
from math import sqrt
%%render long
x_1 = 3
s_1 = .8
n_1 = 29
x_2 = 4
s_2 = 1
n_2 = 16
SE = sqrt(s_1**2/n_1 + s_2**2/n_2)
DF = (s_1**2/n_1 + s_2**2/n_2)**2/(1/(n_1-1)*(s_1**2/n_1)**2 + 1/(n_2-1) * (s_2**2/n_2)**2)
t_score = (x_1-x_2-0)/SE

You can then right click the image to get the raw LaTeX. Pasting that into a MathJax viewer, means we can copy out the MathML code.

According to this post on StackExchange, we can add <?xml version="1.0"?> to the start of the MathJax code and then paste that whole thing into a desktop version of MS Word (which, unfortunately, my teacher requires).