
  1. All conditions contain independent samples
  2. the dependent scores are normally distributed interval or ratio scores
  3. the variances of the populations are homogenous

of each condition doesn’t need to be equal, but it’s way easier if they are. It only tests two-tailed hypothesis, but it’s actually a one-tailed test due to 0 being the same.

Diagram of an example study

Factor A: Independent variable of perceived difficulty
Level : EasyLevel : MediumLevel : Difficult

k = 3 b/c there are 3 conditions.

This is similar to the two-sample t-test, but we can’t just do a bunch of pair-wise t-tests because the probability of making a Type I error is too high. This is because we’re doing multiple comparisons with a 0.05 margin for error.. which aggregates. ANOVA limits Type I probability to .

“sum of squares” or “SS” is really short for “sum of the squared deviations”


experiment-wise error rate : The probability of making a Type I error somewhere among the comparisons in an experiment.

Tukey’s HSD test : HSD = Honestly Significant Difference is a post-hoc procedure done after ANOVA to compare means between factors when all levels have equal ‘s.


. But not all are equal.

So given the above table:

sum(X): 40301585
sum(X^2): 35422055629
n: 55515
xbar: 863k=3

Calculate the total sum of squares:

Then calculate the sum of squares between groups

Then calculate the sum of squares within groups:

Compute the degrees of freedom:

Then get the mean square between groups ():

Within groups ():


Which leaves us with:

SourceSum of squaresdfmean squaref_obt


Unlike t and z distribution, the f-distribution is positively skewed, b/c there’s no upper limit for how big f can be.. but it can never be lower than 0. Unlike those other distributions, finding requires the df for both between and within to look up in the “F-table”.

For the example above, we get , so this is sufficient evidence to reject the null hypothesis.

This leads us to conclude that there does appear to be a relationship between perceived difficulty and score. We don’t know if it applies to all columns, though.

Post-hoc test

Tukey’s HSD is is found in a table called “Values of Studentized Range Statistic” (table 5 in the appendix of Behavioral Sciences Stats). For , .

Get all the differences of level-mean combinations:

x1 = 8 ; aka easy x2 = 6 ; aka medium x3 = 3 ; aka hard

x1 - x2 = 2 x1 - x3 = 5 x2 - x3 = 3

Compare to HSD. If the absolute difference is greater than the HSD, then they have signifiant differences. (so easy -> hard was a significant difference)