A technique to predict unknown Y scores based on correlated X scores. The resulting Y that we find for a given X is known as or “Y prime”.

The linear regression equation is where is the slope of the line, X is the score on the X axis and is the Y intercept. The accuracy of this prediction depends on how good of an value we end up with. We could also look this up through the standard error of the estimate, but it’s a more advanced concept.

The formula for slope is . Formula for the y-intercept is where the bar is the mean of that variable.


predictor variable : aka X. This is the value that someone did research about.

criterion variable : aka Y. This is the effect-side of predictor variable.

linear regression equation : the equation that produces the value of at each X. It defines the straight line that summarizes a relationship.

proportion of variance accounted for : aka . It’s like effect size aka magnitude of the difference, but b/c we can’t say that changing X = a change to Y.. it’s named differently. The general idea here is that we could have data like (x=1, y=2), (x=1, y=3). Same X, but with different variance in y. If you have (x=1, y=2)and (x=2,y=6).. we can ascribe some of that difference to a change in X. It’s scale is 0 (no change in Y as X changes) or (Y only chnages when X changes).