Linear Algebra

Homogeneous Equation

A system of equations with the variables is called [homogeneous] if all the constant terms are [zero].

That is, if each equation of the system has the form:

A [trivial solution] is one where all all values are zero (in the augmented matrix?)

Show that the homogenous system has nontrivial solutions

r2:r2-2*r1 r3: r3-3*r1

r2: 1/4 * r2

r1: r1+r2 r3: r3-4*r2

r3: -1 * r3

r1=r1+1/4*r3 r2=r2-3/4*r3


nontrivial solutions:

^^ not all zeros, so non-trivial.

Theorem 1.3.1

If a homogenous system of linear equations has more variables than equations, then it has [a nontrivial] solution (in fact, [infinitely many||amount])

Proof for theorem 1.3.1

n = number of variables m = number of equations n > r => infinitely many solutions

Linear combinations and basic solutions



Scalar multiple

^ Called a scalar multiple.

Sum of columns


A sum of scalar multiples of several columns is called a [linear combination] of those columns.

For example, sx+ty is a linear combination of x and y. ()


If and , then 3x+5y =


determine whether v is a linear combination of x,y & z

Solution: We must determine whether r,s,t exist such that v=rx+sy+tz

^^ Which is the same as:

Augmented matrix:

r3 = r3-r1

r3 = r3+2*r2

RREF r1=r1-2*r2

t is a non-leading variable, so set it as a parameter. .

So let’s try

so V really is a linear combination of x,y & z.

More on basic solutions

When solving a system with n variables (), write the variables as a column matrix: .

The trivial solution is noted by: .

Remark: Let x 7 y be two solutions to a homogeneus system with n variables. Then any linear combination sx+ty of these solutions is a solution to the system. More generally, any linear combination of solutions to a homogenous system is a solution.


linear combinations of multiple solutions to a [homogenous systems] are also solutions.


Solve the homogenous system w/ coefficient matrix:


r2=r2+3*r1; r3=r3+2*r1

r3 = r3-r2

RREF r2 /= 10

r1= r1 - r2*3

The reduced system is:

parameterize and .


Let A be an matrix of rank r, and consider the homogeneous system in n variables with A as a coefficient matrix. Then:

  1. the system has exactly [ basic solutions||count of basic solutions], one for each parameter.
  2. every solution is a [linear combination] of these basic solutions