Core questions:
- What are they trying to do overall?
- What are all of the steps in that process?
- Where are they now?
- Where does the problem you are solving fit in that process?
- Where in that process do they spend a lot of time or money?
- How often do they experience this problem?
- What have they already tried?
Dimensions of a problem:
- functional purposef
- emotional dimension
- social dimension
Need to find out:
- how often they experience a problem
- what they’re doing/paying to solve it now
- how long it takes
Solutions must be:
- valuable to the customer
- usable by the customer
- viable for the company to commercially support
- feasible for the company to build
Tactics to encourage people to talk:
- Use a gentle tone of voice
- Validate
- Leave pauses for them to fill
- Mirror and summarize their words
- Don’t interrupt
- Use simple wording
- Ask for clarification, even when you don’t need it
- Don’t explain anything
- Don’t negate them in any way
- Let them be the expert
- Use their words and pronunciation
- Ask about time and money already spent